REGISTER NOW TO 2017 InnoGrid2020+
InnoGrid2020+: The Network of Networks
Brussels, 26-27 June 2017
Venue: The Square, Glass Entrance, Mont des Arts, 1000 Brussels
Are the electricity and transport networks sufficiently integrated? Which hard and soft technologies can enable a smart and sustainable energy system? Which regulation is needed? Will the active customer paradigm and active system management become a reality? What would that mean for networks integration and for the TSOs-DSOs interface? What is the role of data hubs and what are the European rules related to cybersecurity and privacy? These and many other key questions will be on the agenda.
InnoGrid2020+ is THE event on innovation in European electricity networks. This sixth edition will focus on the arising network of networks, where power grids and transport, telecom and IT, digital and physical networks link up in an unprecedented manner. Special attention will be devoted to the rapidly evolving transmission-distribution interface.
Discover exiting R&D projects with EU added value that will present their work and results at the conference and networking exhibition.
2017 InnoGrid2020+ is organised by ENTSO-E and EDSO for Smart Grids, and sponsored by Ampacimon, CoSMo and Smart Wires.