Save the date! How to Turn the Global Smart Grid Challenges into Successes, March 21-22 2013

Save the date! How to Turn the Global Smart Grid Challenges into Successes, March 21-22 2013

On the March 21-22nd 2013, EDSO for Smart Grids and the Global Smart Grid Federation (GSGF) invite you to a joint event in Brussels, Belgium.

The development of Smart Grids is a prerequisite for reaching key energy objectives – decreasing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing energy efficiency and the share of renewable energy – bringing us faster and more cost-efficient to a future sustainable and competitive energy society.

The conference will highlight real-life Smart Grids projects from around the world. Based on this, the different challenges and best practices, the supply of Smart Grid equipment and services, and what is needed regarding market development and regulatory frameworks will be debated.

The conference will be held at the Marriott Hotel in Brussels, Belgium, targeting senior level managers within the energy and ICT sectors, EU institutions, national ministries and regulators.

Please save this date, further information will be available in January.


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