Save the date! Innogrid2020+ the transmission & distribution R&D Seminar, February 20-21 2013

Save the date! Innogrid2020+ the transmission & distribution R&D Seminar, February 20-21 2013

At the beginning of 2012, ENTSO-E, EDSO for Smart Grids and the GRID+ project successfully organised InnoGrid2020+: the European Transmission and Distribution R&D Seminar.

The 2nd edition of InnoGrid2020+ will take place on 20-21 February 2013 in Brussels.

The seminar will bring together industry representatives, researchers and policy makers, to share the latest results of European Transmission and Distribution R&D projects, present the new EEGI/GRID+ Roadmaps 2013-2022 and provide the participants with insights on the future European energy markets and legislation.

The seminar, for which a draft agenda is available, will include panel sessions, presentations and a poster session, enabling all the participants to interact with each other and share their knowledge.


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