Local Energy Optimisation in Electricity Grids

Grid Aware Charging 

The rising electrification of transportation poses significant challenges to grid stability as high charging peaks add a strain on grid congestion, especially in low voltage (LV) grids. To guarantee the reliability of public charging while safeguarding the grid constraints, Alliander introduced a new group contract for public chargers connected to the same LV network and operated by the same charging point operator (CPO). The contract guarantees a firm group capacity to the CPO who is allowed to dynamically allocate it to its charging points based on user requests and comfort. Moreover, if near real-time grid conditions allow it, Alliander releases additional non-firm grid capacity which the CPO can use for free.

To assign the firm and non-firm group capacity to the CPO, Alliander developed the HEDERA application which calculates operational constraints within the grid and optimises capacity distribution across various applications. This approach guarantees a charging comfort above 95% while enabling the installation of up to three times more public charging points in the existing LV grid. 

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