The E.DSO Sustainable Grid Charter highlights the contribution of DSOs to a sustainable future

The E.DSO Sustainable Grid Charter highlights the contribution of DSOs to a sustainable future

In the presence of stakeholders from in and outside the energy sector E.DSO, the association of the largest and leading European DSOs, handed over its Sustainable Grid Charter to Director General Ditte Juul Jørgensen of the European Commission DG ENER and Deputy Director General of DG CLIMA Clara de la Torre.

Mrs Juul Jørgensen on the occasion said: “There is a lot of talk about policy, because it is central in the green transition and the green deal and in that context it is very welcome that you have worked on the E.DSO Sustainable Grid Charter and your role in the transition.” Mrs de la Torre with reference to the green new deal said: “I am sure that E.DSO will be an important partner in our work for the climate pact.”

The launch of the E.DSO Sustainable Grid Charter underlines the commitment of E.DSO and its members to sustainability in all its forms from environmental concerns to social responsibility and answerable corporate operations. The Charter is the first step, and with the 200 million metering points which E.DSO accounts for, an important one. But not the last. Roberto Zangrandi, secretary general of E.DSO and a pioneer of sustainability himself, expressed, on behalf of the leading DSO association, his satisfaction for E.DSO to be able to mobilize and involve its members in engaging into sustainability of distribution grids.


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