The official birth of the EU DSO Entity

The official birth of the EU DSO Entity

On 8 June 2021, the long-awaited official launch of the EU DSO Entity took place. E.DSO members experienced a prestigious momentum by attending the constitutive General Assembly and the first meeting of Board of Directors and constituting its governance along with various organisation aspects.

The launch of the Entity is a remarkable achievement for the four electricity DSO Associations (CEDEC, E.DSO, Eurelectric and GEODE) that have been working intensively in the past couple of years towards its creation. It has been challenging since there are around 2500 DSOs in Europe with different sizes, missions, models, and issues. Despite these challenges, today the Entity represents a tremendous success and a historic step forward for whole electric power distribution system industry.

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The Entity will provide a platform of cooperation between all the electricity DSOs will be responsible for essential matters such as promoting operation and planning of distribution networks in coordination with the operation and planning of transmission networks, facilitating the integration of renewable energy resources, and contributing to the digitalisation of distribution systems including deployment of smart grids and intelligent metering systems.

Additionally, it will be an important interlocutor and cooperate on an equal footing with ENTSO-E on the monitoring of implementation of the network codes and guidelines adopted pursuant which are relevant to the operation and planning of distribution grids and the coordinated operation of the transmission networks and distribution networks.


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Johan Mörnstam (E.ON Group) was elected one of the Vice President for the category representing the DSOs over 1 million connected customers of the EU DSO Entity.

All the efforts made in recent years to give institutional voice to all DSOs and strengthen cooperation with TSOs at the European level are worthwhile. E.DSO is proud to have participated in this entire process. Now the real game begins. Welcome EU DSO Entity!

Website of the Entity

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